
Publish Your Photos

It seems a silly question like who would want your photos? Well actually there are a fair few sites out there who either sell on your photos to companies/ blogs/ papers that are looking for images to fill cooperate with content. It can also work that you gain a small amount of money every time somebody views your photo on the site (revenue sharing.) Both these methods provide small amounts of pay for what is a relatively easy thing to do, take a picture and upload it.

You can take it a bit more seriously and take photos of things you can see that could sell (celebs, nature, towns) However this means more extensive work and a seasoned photographer probably already has this covered. You probably at this moment have hundreds of photos in the digital format which could potentially be earning you money.

Like with most things on the internet you will be earning very little money per picture, if any at all. I believe you do need an eye for this kind of thing. However it doesn't stop anybody trying. It is essentially a nice little way of making money, although very small amounts.

To continue what i said earlier on, the fact that it takes so little effort and time to upload your backlog of photos onto a website. Its probably worth doing as long as you remember that you have done it so you can see how much money you have made but don't be to disheartened if you haven't made a penny. For something like this its the potential to make money over the long term that's attractive about it.

However remember the image has to be yours as if you post just one image that isn't your original content then the site can delete your account and you won't be earning anything.

The best advice I can give you if you want to make money by publishing your photos is to

  1. Create an image you could sell.
  2. Upload old photos.
  3. Make sure you remain the owner of the image.
  4. Upload to as many sites as possible (read the terms and conditions on the website to make sure your allowed to upload to more than one site)
  5. The views start slowly so just be patient.

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