
Auction Unused Items

A fairly easy way to earn money on the internet is selling your old items to people across the globe. The best place to do this is probably ebay, however if you have any specialist items its probably best to research on-line auction sites with this specialist item in mind.

Internet auctions have been happening for a while now. There is no "best" way of selling items on auction sites, it all about trying to attract attention to what your selling, whether that is putting free delivery on the item or adding a photo to the listing page. Like with most things you've got to get your item to stick out in front of maybe a thousand or so items that are similar.

A good feedback rating is also very useful as it means your a trustworthy seller. This gives the buyer confidence to use you and maybe to consider using you in the future. Making money selling your old stuff is all when and good until you have nothing else to sell then you can think about investing your newly made money into buying more products you could sell (see the investments guide.)

The best advice i can give you if you want to make money by auctioning your old items is to

  1. Make the item seem attractive to possible buyers.
  2. Make the listing stand out.
  3. Keep auctioning to raise your feedback score.
  4. The photo of the item does matter.
  5. Never sell anything you may need in the future.

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