
Using Referrals

Using referrals and referral links is basically a form of advertising, however unlike using adverts on your website where your not allowed to ask people to click on the adverts as this give the advertiser a click-through rate but no interest in their actual product. However referrals your allowed to encourage your visitors to click on the link and buy the product.

Referrals work best when you write a short section about the product which in turn create interest from your readers. Some websites use methods to get people to click the referral link that makes the user feel deceived as you will be making money from them buying the product and which makes some people feel like they lost out seen as you made money from them.

Using referrals in the right way however is a great way of earning money as long as you give a good enough review about the product, and by review i mean listing its good and bad points about the product as that will show the user that your an honest reviewer which could lead to more custom in the future. This type of advertisign works great with the likes of google adsense.

The best advice I can give you for earning money from using referral links is

  1. Review the product your trying to refer.
  2. Try not to hassle prospective buyers.
  3. Use referral links with other advertisment programmes.
  4. Find a way of advertsing your site to get people to click your referral links.
  5. Remember that it may take many clicks to make 1 sale so be patient.

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