
Crowd Funding

A very novel way of investing your money is to invest projects that you feel passionate about. Key examples of Crowd Funding are music albums and independent films. These both require you (the fan) to invest money to record an album or produce a film. You can make money from the sales of albums/DVDs that the project manages to sell.

As with most things it has its good and bad points, on some websites you aren't able to make money from investing instead you are rewarded in other ways like with seats to watch a film or a copy of the album. Even if you do manage to find a site that lets you keep a cut of the sales pie, the volume of items sold is usually low as few people are aware of project happening in the first place. In most cases its rare that you make money from the amount you put into the project because of this reason alone.

It is however a fun way to invest your money and you are kept updated regually with the recording/filming process. To be able to have fist hand contact with the artists is interesting and there is normally a great community behind it.

The best advice I can give you for investing your money in Crowd Funding

  1. Find a site and community that is right for you.
  2. Only invest small amounts as you may even lose money.
  3. Keep active on the site as you may recieve other benefits.
  4. Spread your money out on many different projects as you never know which one will make it to the big time.
  5. Enjoy yourself while doing it, if your not having fun then pull the money.

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