There are several ways of going about making your own website. Choosing a topic is probably the first thing you should do before signing up to start anything. I also find that its best that you write down a few articles as well, so you know that you have got something to write about. Its best to go for a topic you enjoy, however the best paying adverts are ones that are involved with money (claims lawyers, car insurance, banks.) However these topics are incredibly dull and I doubt you would have many people flocking to your website on one of these topics. Using a topic you enjoy means your writing will be enthusiastic and will encourage users to come back.
So how are you going to go about making your own website?Well there are many websites out there that off free hosting and even a free website designer. Its best to start off using this route until you know its worth investing in your own hosting ect.
Once you've got your site set up and your content written down you will be able to think about the crucial task of getting an advertiser involved. There are many sites like Google adsense that offer to sell your advert space. Its easy to set-up and won't cost you a penny, you will just need your site to be running initially.
Placing your adverts is another massive decision, you want to catch the eye so people see them and click them so you get the money for sending to their new destination. The best way I've found to place my adverts is to mainly keep them in the sidebars and allow very few to enter the content of your site. To many is an advert overload and nobody will be enticed to click, they will probably just try and exit your website as soon as possible. So just keep in mind, your trying to get people to click the adverts to get paid, your not getting paid per view per advert.
Another piece of advice is to keep it simple, don't make a million websites at once, as one useful complete website is more likely to earn you more money than 100 half finished websites. However you've got to keep getting people to visit your site so keeping your website updated is great as well.
The best advice i can give you if you want to make money by creating Websites/ Blogs is to
- Create useful unique content.
- Plan a website thoroughly before creating.
- Keep the website updated.
- Don't cram the website with to many adverts.
- The views start slowly so just be patient.
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